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Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Introducing Solarmotion

Introducing Solarmotion™:

Dynamic sunshades that optimize energy savings.

New operable shading systems are programmed to adjust automatically with the movement of the sun to reduce solar heat gain and glare, energy usage and maximize daylight.

Tracks the sun tomaximize the control of light and heat entering the building’sinterior and effectively controls the sun on all elevations, at alltimes of the day and throughout the year.

Majalah Tren Konstruksi - Edisi Juli 2010

Majalah Tren Konstruksi - Edisi Juli 2010
Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Industri Konstruksi

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Majalah Tren Konstruksi - Edisi Juni 2010

Majalah Tren Konstruksi - Edisi Juni 2010
Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Industri Konstruksi

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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Parametric Solar Architecture

Parametric Solar Architecture

How a new Design Methodology Can improve the Urban Integration of Photovoltaic Systems

by : Viktor Paul Kuslikis
BArchSc, Ryerson University, 2005.

A design thesis project presented to Ryerson University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture in the program of Architecture Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2010

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Solar Geometry Concepts and Principles

Solar Geometry Concepts and Principles

Bahan presentasi kuliah "Solar Geometry Concepts and Principles" di University of Oregon January 16, 2007

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Intro to Environmental Design : SOLAR GEOMETRY

Intro to Environmental Design : SOLAR GEOMETRY

Bahan presentasi kuliah "Intro to Environmental Design : SOLAR GEOMETRY" Univ. Waterloo Architecture, Winter 2010

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Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Kimia Analitik - (SMK)

Kimia Analitik

Kelas :
Pengarang : Ir. Adam Wiryawan
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Sunarto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Sunarto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Sunartol, SPd.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Kimia Industri Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Kimia Industri Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Suparni Setyowati Rahayu, dkk.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Kimia Industri Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Kimia Industri Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Suparni Setyowati Rahayu,dkk.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Kimia Industri Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Kimia Industri Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Suparni Setyowati Rahayu,dkk.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Antonius Bowo Wasono
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Antonius Bowo Wasono
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Grafika dan Industri Grafika Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Antonius Bowo Wasono
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Tanzil - Qur'an Navigator

Tanzil - Qur'an Navigator
The first version of Tanzil Quran text is released in January 2008. You can browse the Quran text

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[download-Quran Text]
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Al-Qur'an Flash - Book at your fingertips

Quranflash.com is pleased to announce the release of the Quran with English Transliteration free for download, to help in learning how to pronounce correctly. You can use this application to read and learn Quran offline without the need for an internet connection.

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Note : Please extract the file contents to a folder path not containing Arabic (or undefined) characters since this interferes with the operation of the program.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Prof. Dr. Jalius Jama, M.Ed, dkk
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK

Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Prof.Dr.Jalius Jama, M.Ed,dkk
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008
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Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Sepeda Motor Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Prof.Dr.Jalius Jama, M.Ed,dkk
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Google SketchUp - Video Tutorial Tips and Tricks untuk 3 D (modeling) rumah

Sebuah Perubahan Luar Biasa di Dunia Visualisasi 3D. Anda akan belajar membuat sketsa bangunan dalam waktu cepat dan hasil yang memuaskan. Anda akan mengetahui betapa handalnya aplikasi ini karena bisa menghasilkan gambar 3 dimensi yang cepat dan nyata, penggunaannya pun mudah dan menyenangkan.

Google Sketchup begitu fleksible hingga ia bisa bekerja dengan baik bersama aplikasi model 3D lainnya seperti AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, Blender, dll. Bahkan aplikasi ini pun bisa digunakan oleh anak-anak dan golongan professional, apalagi tersedia secara gratis dan bebas di download di situs resmi Google Sketchup.

Kebutuhan komputer dalam menjalankan Google Sketchup ini pun sangat ringan dibanding program lain, sehingga bisa digunakan pada PC umum. Siapa saja kini dapat membuat VISUALISASI layaknya Desainer 3D yang profesional.

Sumber video: http://bursa-arsitektur.blogspot.com/

Download Google SketchUp :
Dibutuhkan Flash player dan browser untuk dapat melihat video tutorial dalam dibawah ini, silahkan download (free) jika dikomputer anda belum ada [klik disini]

Silahkan download Video Tutorial Tips and Tricks SketchUp untuk 3 D (modeling) rumah berikut :

Bahasa : Indonesia
File format : *swf (600X400)
  1. Introduction, Menggunakan image >> [download] 4.83 MB
  2. Menggambar dinding >> [download] 1.77 MB
  3. Mengatur gambar site sesuai besar denah >> [download] 3.12 MB
  4. Membuat denah Lt. dasar >> [download] 1.61 MB
  5. Membuat Lt. Atas >> [download] 1.28 MB
  6. Menggunakan tekstur >> [download] 5.20 MB
  7. Menggambar dinding Lt. Atas >> [download] 4.47 MB
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  12. Menyesuaikan atap dengan dinding .>> [download] 2.78 MB
  13. Menggambar kusen >> [download] 3.76 MB
  14. Menggandakan kusen >> [download] 3.01 MB
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  18. Menyelesaikan pintu dan jendela Lt. atas >> [download] 2.60 MB
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  22. Memberi warna material dinding >> [download] 1.42 MB
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  24. Membuat Gambar potongan (2) >> [download]
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  26. Render : >> [download] (lihat tutorial Sketchup render , lights, and materials)
Tutorial Lainnya :
  1. SKETCHUP Essentials (12)
  2. SKETCHUP using INDIGO (Render, Light and Material)
Sumber : www.SangGuru.com
Plugin dan File Pendukung Google SketchUp

1. SCF Archiland toolbar


2. SCF Power toolbar


3. SCF Selector Toolbar


4. SCF Draw Toolbar


5. Plugin Tgi3D SU Amorph Untuk Google SketchUp

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Hardi Sudjana,SPd.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun :2008

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Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Hardi Sudjana,SPd.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Pengecoran Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Hardi Sudjana,SPd.
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Drs. Sunyoto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Drs. Sunyoto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Mesin Industri Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Drs. Sunyoto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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e-Magazine "COSTOM HOME" - March/April 2011

e-Magazine "COSTOM HOME"

Edisi : March/April 2011

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Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Teknik Pengelasan Kapal Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Pengelasan Kapal Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Heri Sunaryo
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pengelasan Kapal Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Pengelasan Kapal Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Heri Sunaryo
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pemesinan Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Pemesinan Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Widarto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pemesinan Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Pemesinan Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Widarto
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Qur'an. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation. His study sheds new light on the Holy Scriptures. At the end of a gripping account, he places the Believer before a point of cardinal importance: the continuity of a Revelation emanating from the same God, with modes of expression that differ in the course of time. It leads us to meditate upon those factors which, in our day, should spiritually unite rather than divide-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

As a surgeon, Maurice Bucaille has often been in a situation where he was able to examine not only people's bodies, but their souls. This is how he was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his search for explanations which are otherwise difficult to obtain, he learnt Arabic and studied the Qur'an. In it, he was surprised to find statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge.

He then turned to the question of the authenticity of the writings that constitute the Holy Scriptures of the monotheistic religions. Finally, in the case of the Bible, he proceeded to a confrontation between these writings and scientific data.

The results of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Qur'an are set out in this book.

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The Quran and Modern Science - Compatible or Incompatible

The Quran and Modern Science - Compatible or Incompatible

By : DR. Zakir Naik
Islamic Reseach Foundation


Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always sought to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life itself. In this quest for Truth, spanning many centuries and diverse civilizations, organized religion has shaped human life and determined to a large extent, the course of history. While some religions have been based on books, claimed by their adherents to be divinely inspired, others have relied solely on human experience. Al-Qur’aan, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by Muslims, to be of completely Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of the Qur’aan is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does theQur’aan pass this test?

In this booklet, I intend to give an objective analysis of the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the Qur’aan, in the light of established scientific discoveries. There was a time, in the history of world civilization, when ‘miracles’, or what was perceived to be a miracle, took precedence over human reason and logic. But how do we define the term ‘miracle’? A miracle is anything that takes place out of the normal course of life and for which humankind has no explanation. However, we must be careful before we accept something as a miracle.

An article in ‘The Times of India’ Mumbai, in 1993 reported that ‘a saint’ by the name ‘Baba Pilot’ claimed to have stayed continuously submerged under water in a tank for three consecutive days and nights. However, when reporters wanted to examine the base of the tank of water where he claimed to have performed this ‘miraculous’ feat, he refused to let them do so. He argued by asking as to how one could examine the womb of a mother that gives birth to a child. The ‘Baba’ was hiding something. It was a gimmick simply to gain publicity. Surely, no modern man with even the slightest inkling towards rational thinking would accept such a ‘miracle’. If such false miracles are the tests of divinity, then we would have to accept Mr.P. C. Sorcar, the world famous magician known for his ingenious magical tricks and illusions, as the best God-man. A book, claiming Divine origin, is in effect, claiming to be a miracle. Such a claim should be easily verifiable in any age, according to the standards of that age. Muslims believe, that the Qur’aan is the last and final revelation of God, the miracle of miracles revealed as a mercy to mankind.

Let us therefore investigate the veracity of this belief. I would like to thank Brother Musaddique Thange for his editorial assistance.May Allah (swt) reward him for his efforts, Aameen

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Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Ambiyar
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 2
Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Ambiyar
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Pembentukan Pelat Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Ambiyar
Penerbit : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Sri Waluyanti
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Sri Waluyanti
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Alat Ukur dan Teknik Pengukuran Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Sri Waluyanti
Penerbit : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 3 - Kls 12 (SMK)

Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 3

Kelas : 12
Pengarang : Wirawan Sumbodo
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 2 - Kls 11 (SMK)

Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 2

Kelas : 11
Pengarang : Wirawan Sumbodo
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 1 - Kls 10 (SMK)

Teknik Produksi Mesin Industri Jilid 1

Kelas : 10
Pengarang : Wirawan Sumbodo
Penerbit : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun : 2008

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SAP 2000

Ilmu Teknik Sipil khususnya struktur tidak akan lepas dari sebuah software perhitungan yang bernama SAP (Structural Analysis Programme). Berikut adalah beberapa tutorial serta panduan bagi anda yang ingin mendalami software SAP2000, ada beberapa kasus/problem yang dibahas. Silahkan download

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  1. Cardinal Points in SAP.... Download
  2. Staged Construction in SAP2000 .....Download
  3. Dynamic Vehicle Loading.....Download
  4. Mandi Kotly Bridge Design......Download
  5. Cables........Download
  6. Tendons.......Download
  7. How to design a Bridge in SAP2000?......Download
  8. Staged Bridge Scheduler......Download
  9. API and connectivity to other Applications......Download
  10. P-Delta.....Download
  11. BrIM Video Learning....Download
  12. GAP Elements...Download
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  1. Problem A - Concrete wall and steel frame ... Download
  2. Problem B - Concrete wall ... Download
  3. Problem C - Truss Frame ... Download
  4. Problem D - Inclined Support ... Download
  5. Problem E - Steel Rods ... Download
  6. Problem F - Wall Resisting Hydrostatic Pressure ... Download
  7. Problem G - Frame with Support Displacement ... Download
  8. Problem H - Reinforce for Concrete Beam ... Download
  9. Problem I - Prestressed Concrete Beam ... Download
  10. Problem J - Beam on Elastic Foundation ... Download
  11. Problem K - Steel Moment Frame ... Download
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Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Success with Mathematics

Success with Mathematics

Many students find the leap between school and university-level mathematics to be significantly greater than they expected. Success with Mathematics has been devised and written especially in order to help students bridge that gap. It offers clear, practical guidance from experienced teachers of mathematics in higher education on such key issues as:

• Getting ready
• Ways of studying
• Assessment
• Mathematical communication
• Learning by doing
• Using ICT when studying mathematics
• Using calculators
• Preparing for examinations and resources

After reading this book, students will find themselves much better prepared for the change in pace, rigour and abstraction they encounter in university mathematics. They will also find themselves able to broaden their learning strategies and improve their self-directed study skills. This book is essential reading for anyone following, or about to undertake, a degree in mathematics, or other degree courses with mathematical content.Heather Cooke is Academic Liaison Officer with the Centre for Mathematics Education at The Open University.

This book has been written by experienced Open University lecturers and tutors with a great deal of help from colleagues in other universities and from students. The tasks and advice offered here are based on considerable experience of working with adults, both young and mature, many of whom initially had limited self-study skills and low confidence in their ability to learn mathematics.

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Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

9 Prinsip Sukses dari CEO Perusahaan Raksasa Virgin Group Richard Branson

9 Prinsip Sukses dari CEO Perusahaan Raksasa Virgin Group Richard Branson

- Dia Merupakan salah satu orang terkaya versi majalah Forbes
- Pemilik Resort Termegah Didunia (Virgin Island Resort)
- Penakluk Samudera Atlantik dengan Balon Udara
-“Pencapaian Branson mengalahkan semua pengusaha terhebat di Inggris” The Mail On Sunday

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Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Materials for Architects and Builders

Materials for Architects and Builders

MA(Cantab) MSc(Warwick) PhD(Leicester) DipArchCons(Leicester) Hon LRSA FHEA - Former Head of Quality, Principal Lecturer and Teacher Fellow, School of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Design, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK

Materials for Architects and Builders is written as an introductory text to inform students at undergraduate degree and national diploma level of the relevant visual and physical properties of the widest range of building materials. The fourth edition has been significantly enhanced by the addition of more colour images, illustrating the materials and, in many cases, their use in buildings of architectural merit. The text embraces the broad environmental issueswith sections on energy saving and recycled materials. An additional chapter on sustainability reflects the current debate on climate change and governmental action to reduce carbon emissions and ameliorate global warming. There are eighteen chapters covering the wide range of materials under standard headings. Each chapter describes the manufacture, salient properties and typical uses of the various materials, with the aim of ensuring their appropriate application within awareness of their ecological impact.

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