Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors By Martin Williams, Sami Khan
Publisher: Laxton's 1995 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 0750616814 | File type: PDF | 16 mb
Post-tensioning is the most versatile form of pre stressing, a technique which enables engineers to make the most effective use of the material properties of concrete, and so to design structural elements which are strong, slender and efficient. Design in post-tensioned concrete is not difficult and, if done properly, can contribute significantly to the economy and the aesthetic qualities of a building. Post-tensioned floors have found widespread use in office buildings and car park structures, and are also frequently employed in warehouses and public buildings. However, in spite of this, most prestressed concrete texts devote comparatively little attention to floors, concentrating instead on beam elements. This book answers the need for a comprehensive treatment of post-tensioned floor design.
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