1. Peak surface motion due to scattering of a plane harmonic SH wave by a randomly corrugated scatterer
By: Marijan Dravinski and Chih-Wei Yu [download]
By: Marijan Dravinski and Chih-Wei Yu [download]
2.The 2008 West Bohemia earthquake swarm in the light of the WEBNET network
By: Tomáš Fischer, Josef Horálek, Jan Michálek and Alena Boušková [download]
3. Aysén seismic swarm (January 2007) in southern Chile: analysis using Joint Hypocenter Determination
By: Cindy Mora, Diana Comte, Ray Russo, Alejandro Gallego and Victor Mocanu [download]
4. Attenuation characteristics of Garwhal–Kumaun Himalayas from analysis of coda of local earthquakes
By: Sagarika Mukhopadhyay and Jyoti Sharma [download]
5. Detection of pulse-like ground motions based on continues wavelet transform
By: Saman Yaghmaei-Sabegh [download]
6. Improved 2-D attenuation analysis for Northern Italy using a merged dataset from selected regional seismic networks
By: Paola Morasca, Marco Massa, Enrica Laprocina, Kevin Mayeda and Scott Phillips, et al. [download]
7. Determining hypocentral parameters for local earthquakes under ill conditions using genetic algorithm
By: Woohan Kim, In-Kyeong Hahm, Won-Young Kim and Jung Mo Lee [download]
8. Moment tensor inversion of nine events in Iran using INSN data
By: Aref Bali Lashak, Mehdi Zare, Gholamreza Mortezanejad and Shahrokh Pour Beyranvand [download]
9. Magnitude scaling relationships from the first 3 s of P-wave arrivals in South Korea
By: Yongcheol Park, Sun-Cheon Park, Kwang-Hee Kim, Minkyu Park and Joohan Lee [download]
10. Strong ground-motion relations for Mexican interplate earthquakes
By: Danny Arroyo, Daniel García, Mario Ordaz, Mauricio Alexander Mora and Shri Krishna Singh [download]
11. Pattern recognition of major asperities using local recurrence time in Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran
By: Khalil Motaghi, Khaled Hessami and Mohammad Tatar [download]
13. Lithospheric structure of NW Iran from P and S receiver functions
By: Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand, Forough Sodoudi, Narges Afsari and Mohammad R. Ghassemi [download]
15. Erratum to: Lithospheric structure of NW Iran from P and S receiver functions
By: Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand, Forough Sodoudi, Narges Afsari and Mohammad R. Ghassemi [download]