Architectural Design in Steel
Architectural Design in Steel presents general design principles and examples of good practice in steel design, fabrication and architectural detailing. The book covers three areas:
• general principles of steel design
• opportunities for architectural expression
• examples of details used in recent projects.
The book includes all aspects of the architectural uses of steel in internal and external applications. The different types of structural members, frames and their connections are identified, and common details are discussed. Examples of the expressive use of steel are presented, including arches, tension structures, masts and glazing support systems. Connections between members, especially tubular connectors and cast steel nodes, are covered in detail.
Technical information is provided on fire and corrosion protection, and on penetrations through the building envelope. Reference is also made to other publications for more detailed guidance. Chapter 10 was drafted prior to the introduction of revised UK building regulations dealing with cold bridging. Designers are advised to seek specialist advice, where necessary, should steelwork penetration of the envelope be necessary.
The book was prepared by Peter Trebilcock, Consultant Architect to the Steel Construction Institute (SCI) and Head of Architecture at Amec Group Ltd, and by Mark Lawson, SCI Professor of Construction Systems at the University of Surrey (formerly Research Manager at the SCI). The work was funded by Corus (formerly British Steel (Sections, Plates and Commercial Steels)) and Corus Tubes and Pipes, and the former Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions under the Partners in Technology initiative.
The assistance of the following individuals and organisations is acknowledged: Paul Salter, Consultant Structural Engineer; Christopher Nash, Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners; Rod McAllister, formerly Liverpool University School of Architecture; Paul Craddock, Arup; Eric Taylor, Arup; Craig Gibbons, Arup; Rob Watson, Foster and Partners; Geoff Hume, William Cook Steel Castings Limited; Alan Jones, Anthony Hunt Associates Ltd; John Pringle, Pringle Richards Sharratt; David Cash, Building Design Partnership; Michael Powell, Amec Group Ltd; Alan Ogg, The Royal Australian Institute of Architects. Information on tension cables was provided by Guy Linking Ltd.
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